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'Til You've Seen Mine, Tom House
'Til You've Seen Mine
Tom House
'Til You've Seen Mine, Tom House

Largely because his band consists of a percussionist, a guitarist-mandolinist, and a background singer, Tom House is usually considered a contemporary, literary version of the early country performers featured on the Harry Smith anthology, sort of a Holy Modal Rounder with politics and poesy. But you need only hear such manic tracks as "Long Hard Drinking" and "Malbourne Hotel" to think of him also as a Dixie-fried Loudon Wainwright. He shares country's traditional preoccupation with family, albeit with a different spin ("Sister's Song," "Letter from My Father"). His characters draw a sharper line this time between outsiders ("Bull City Blues") and just plain ordinary folk with troubled hearts ("The Cold Hard Curve of a Question Mark"), while his imagery is as heart-stopping as ever ("You ain't seen tears 'til you seen mine / They run like razors in thin red lines"). And the addition of Nashville semi-stars like Pat McLaughlin, Sam Bush, and David Olney broadens House's sound without otherwise altering it.

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